Wednesday night, my poor little baby started getting fussy. Then really fussy. He didn't sleep well that night--this is unusual for him, as he's usually a champion sleeper (he's even started sleeping through the night on occasion). Thursday morning dawned to a nasty temperature, head congestion and swollen, watery eyes.
We kept hoping he'd rally in time for turkey, but it was not to be. He went from bad to worse. We called and declined our dinner invitation (however, Rob is a champion and whipped up this fabulous ham dinner--thus saving us from McDonald's), and began combing the Internet for ANYTHING that could help our baby. We spent a nasty night with the humidifier, holding him upright, and sitting in the bathroom running the shower on hot to create a steam-room. By 4:30am this morning his fever was still climbing, and it was time to pay a visit to the Emergency Department of Arkansas Children's Hospital. As far as ER visits go, it was exceptional service; we did not wait in the waiting room AT ALL (I think someone tipped them off that TJ was the doctor's kid)-- the entire visit took about 5 hours. The doctors were very good, and did a thorough work-up. I am thankful to report that, although I have a very sick little boy, he does not have any of the dire diseases common to small infants. His fever still hasn't broken, but we have been able to make him comfortable enough to sleep, and his fever is now under control. We have had to cancel our trip to Houston; but the important thing is that our baby is going to be okay.
As we left the ER, I joked with Rob that holidays just aren't that good for us lately: last Christmas we almost offed the dog, and this Thanksgiving, the baby. Apparently we should have stuck to house-plants, or some anaerobic organism.
I think it inevitable that Holidays will ever be just about "the Holiday" for you anymore. It seems as though just as everything loos to be "under control" you get a surprise...and it's usually a kid with a illness. At least that is what we have come to expect...granted our chances of facing this are 3 times as high as yours, but still.
Add this on the list of things you don't think of when you start planning for that new baby.
SO SO glad he is okay...SO SO sorry for a bummer T-giving! Let us know if you need anything:)
Yikes for having to go to the doctor with baby boy.
If it makes you feel any better - I didn't eat turkey even though we had it. I would have prefered the ham.
Any time Lilly sees a picture of your cute baby she exclaims, "P.J." I keep trying to convince her it's really T.J., but we'll keep working on it. Anyway, keep posting pictures. I've been showing her your blog so she will recognize all of you in a few weeks when we meet up for Christmas.
It's so hard when they're sick! It just kills me any time Ethan is sick...and tired... and miserable so i hope your little guy's bout with misery didn't last too long.
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