Monday, March 3, 2008

Turkey, Take Two

Sorry for the utter lack of new posts. Part of the problem is that we just haven't DONE much of anything lately. Rob has been so busy with studying and trying to get a couple of abstracts submitted to Academny. I've been busy with work, and being sick. This whole pregnancy business is an all-consuming project!
This weekend, we decided to FINALLY get the turkey out of our freezer. We bought two at Thanksgiving time-- can you blame me? It's good, and they're so cheap at that time of year. Anyways, we had planned on having a grand feast on Saturday, but Rob was on call, and the pager had other plans. The poor guy. He was tormented all Friday and Saturday. I finally saw him at about 7pm, long after I had given up, carved the turkey myself, and put it in the fridge. So on Sunday we finally made the potatoes, gravy, etc, and THEN had our grand feast. It nearly killed Chasqui to have to smell a turkey being roasted. He stood at the entrance to the kitchen and salivated ALL DAY LONG. It was pretty funny.


Ammon and Becky Sullivan said...

Poor Chaz, I no that is the ultimate form a torment for him! It's too bad we dont live closer to one another bc Ammons schedule sounds like Robs these days!
Feel better!

Kat Rose said...

Congrats on the baby! You guys will make the best parents. Lucky baby. Fun blog:)