Monday, July 4, 2011

2 Months Old

Andy turned 2 months old this weekend. He has made alot of progress during the past month, and we are all getting more sleep. In fact, his night-sleep has made leaps and bounds, and he is sleeping through the night 75% of the time; when he does wake up, he generally eats and goes back to sleep. Bliss. Life is looking so much better than it did four weeks ago. He's also gotten really smiley this month. I STILL haven't gotten a really good picture of a smile, despite numerous attempts; although some of these are definitely happy faces, and you can see the echo of a smile contained therein.

He's gotten more aware of the world, and is looking around and interested. He can push his torso up to an up-dog (or push-up) position easily, and is ridiculously strong. He has rolled from his tummy to his back many times now, although I believe it's always been an accident and has scared him (this usually happens in the middle of the night, and is contributing to the 25% of NOT sleeping through the night). But the biggest acheivement of all is that he went from being a really difficult baby, to a really nice baby. He overcame his illnesses and ailments, started on reflux medication, and it has really helped him. Now that he's feeling better, he has really calmed down and is settling into his own skin and adjusting to the world and being alive.

The rudiments of a schedule are starting to take place: he is starting to wake up roughly the same time every morning (between 6:30-7:40), and he is ready for bed about the same time every night (8pm or so). I'm also seeing daytime sleep just beginning to organize. It's really bothered me not having a schedule; in fact, I think the hardest thing about a new baby for me is the lack of structure and a schedule. It makes me realize just how structured I have become.
One night just before I went into labor, I sat down and wrote out TJ's schedule, such that a stranger could have taken care of him easily-- the point is that TJ had a set schedule; he gets up the same time, eats the same time, naps the same time, has similar activites at a set time every day. And that's the way I like it. Infants have no such set routine until the parent helps them form one. I'm in that process with Andy, and life is definitely getting better. He is a really pleasant little chap.

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