Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Wheely Cow

In case you do not know, this is a wheely cow:
Best toy ever. TJ loves his wheely cow. It's made to ride on, but TJ pushes it all through the house backward. It is his favorite toy--mine too, for that matter. We are always finding it in funny and strange places, usually surrounded by chaos and great messes. In our house, the cow is a harbinger of destruction.

Psst:TJ's birthday is tomorrow. Don't tell him, but he's getting a wheely bee that's the size larger.

The author of all these messes:
And yes, he can open all drawers, cabinets, hutches, etc. Disaster. My bathroom cabinets are his favorite.

And here is a video to demonstrate why I have been too busy to blog lately:

It's amazing how fast he learned to walk. One day Rob put him down, and he just started to walk. He took about 8 steps and fell down. From that point on, it's taken less than a week to be able to walk across a room without falling.

And one more about the cow:


Em said...

that's exactly how charlie played with it. he never rode it, but would pull it and push it around and loved it just as much. so cute. happy birthday tj! can't believe how quickly the year flew and how much has changed...

Katie said...

Happy Birthday Day to my Very cute, Very BIG, Very Handsome nephew! I love you lots little guy!!!!