Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Fat Lady is Singing

Last week we pulled out of Little Rock. Thus closes more than a chapter of life; thus closes a saga, an epic journey, never to be fully appreciated by anyone who has not either done it themselves or been very close to someone who has done it.

Rob grew up always knowing that he wanted to be a doctor. Once he was grown, the work began in earnest.

4 years of undergraduate at BYU.

4 years of medical school at Texas A&M.

1 year of research.

1year of internship in Salt Lake City.

4 years of residency in Washington DC.

2 years of fellowhip in Little Rock.

These are the bones only, a framework upon which a specialty surgeon was created.

Some of the stories are awful and make my heart hurt: 120+ hour work-weeks. Pain. Blood. Exhaustion. Lost holidays. Lost years. Some of the stories make me laugh until I cry: Dr. Love. Scrub pants that won't stay up during long surgeries. Bizarre personalities of other surgeons.

Honey, you are amazing. I'm so grateful I get to be part of your life. I'm so glad TJ has such a great dad.
I'm thrilled I got to be your date to your fifth and final (it is the final one, right?) graduation. You do such amazing work (this is the "after" picture. I don't think I should put the "before" picture on. I'm sure I'd be violating some sort of privacy act, since it is a recognizable picture of a child's face. This one is a little more anonymous. Check out those perfect stitches. My husband could give Amy Butler a run for her money any day). Those Oklahoma kids sure are lucky they're going to have you.

I did indeed hook up with the right guy. We love you tons!
Mel and TJ

PS- Thanks for the house. I can't wait to move in!
(We close on July 28th!!!!!!)


Em said...

love the new look of the blog. and huge huge congrats to rob! can't imagine what he must feel like. wish we were there to celebrate. or wish he had been offered a sweet job in new jersey so we could still run, eat good food, and charlie could have his friend back. miss you!

{irene} said...

so you guys are moving??? jersey??! guys are great!..we miss you and I sent you an invitation to the "other" blog!..Good luck!

Nancy said...

WAHOOO! He's graduated! What a long haul, and what a genius to stick through it all.
New home! Yay! Oklahoma, new adventure to say the least. And a real paycheck!!!