Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sweet Baby TJ is Six Months Old!!!

Sorry about the blogging hiatus. We are back, and just in time to celebrate TJ's half-birthday. I can't hardly believe it's been six months. Everyone told me that he would grow up too fast. There were nights, especially during the 5-week-old colic period, that I feared it would never end. But it has by and large gone far too fast. My cuddly little newborn baby is no longer a cuddly little newborn. He is becoming an independant little person with a big personality and strong opinions. To atone for our long absence from the blog-o-sphere, here is a string what TJ has been up to the past week or two:

Hanging out with Mr. Jig. TJ and Mr. Jig are tight. They go most places together.

Little Tommy getting tummy kisses from Big Tom.
Crackers are TJ's favorite new discovery. The world of food keeps getting more and more fun (and messier).
Notice the intense concentration. This kid studies the world around him with great interest.

So this video is a few weeks old now. TJ's first vegetable was avocado. This was the first time he tried it. Since then, his diet has grown exponentially. He now eats avocado, sweet potato, squash, peas, banana, prunes, oatmeal, applesauce and crackers.


Katie said...

How has he gotten so big! He looks so different,so much older! I can't wait to see him in May. I miss that cute little guy.

Kathryn said...

Yay for new pictures and a video. Lilly is so happy. He is so cute. I love his smile.

Nancy said...

Beautiful Beautiful boy! Hooray for more pictures! Baby foods are great, every new experience is so picture perfect!